Ascension Support
Complete Transformations & Upliftments for Your Body, Mind, and Soul, and For Your Life!
Service Description
Divine Service to heal & help souls reach Their Final Destination, for people who are ready for complete transformations and resurrection in their body, mind, and soul, for people who are tired of the seemingly endless stress, fear strifes, conflicts, and struggles, sicknesses, and limitations of the ego. I will be working with you through any techniques or subject matters required for you to overcome known and unknown limitations, and challenges. To help you find your true Identity, to help you find back all your Divine Blessings, and Attributes, to live a truly happy, satisfying, and wonderful life that you were created to live. In order to do that, we first must help you to become your True Self again in your God Identity, freed from the ego mind limitations, and finally give your Soul the freedom to shine in this life and beyond! This is the true goal of all religious pathways and the only true purpose of life itself! This is a long term support for people who seriously want to mend themselves on all levels. Physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. All areas will be touched on in our times together, and to help you move step by step, towards your goals as a Unique Person, and as a Free Soul. All my services you see here will be made available for you ongoingly. I want to see you heal, I want to see you grow, and I'm going to be there for you, with you, through the journey for as long as you need me to be. This service is only made available to mass public now because the Lord has seen the world is in critical times, and His children are struggling to find their way Home. In this journey together with Me, I will guide you through openings of your heart, your intuition, your awareness, and I will use a combination of all my energy and therapeutic tools to assist you in completing your soul lessons on the planet, and to help you as much as possible to return to Your True Self in this life time. All the illnesses, struggles, heart breaks, and disappointments in life are meant to lead to you this One Truth, that you need to Come Home to God, to the Real You, and live a fulfilled life as a Child of the Most High. I Honour You, and I Deeply Believe in Your Highest Potential. This is My Service and Offer to You, with all My Heart, with all the Wisdom I've gathered in life, and with God, I offer this to you to Call You out of the Chaos of the so-called World of the ego, and to Call You Home, to Your Soul - to Be Freed and Truly Happy. Blessings.
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule, please contact us 24 hours in advance.